ITETHIC Case Studies (Creative Commons)

My Creative Commons CASE STUDIES:

Contemporary Moral Problems – An Undergraduate’s Point of View


Ethicified – An ITETHIC Book Reviews Compilation

My Dipity (AS11)

Here’s MY Dipity timeline 🙂

One Life to Realize

One Life to Live

One Life to Live

I have to admit, I am not a christian by practice but I am at heart. I know that being busy is not an excuse nor is being caught up in other random teenage stuff but better believe it, our family doesn’t go to church regularly, confess, or even attend bible studies. Don’t stone me yet for being guilty of such neglect of some religious actions because we do pray and by pray, I mean “really” pray as though He is just near, listening to every word we are saying. We always pray and that is not limited to just before going to sleep. We pray constantly like 3-5 times a day! *haha!* and with that, we feel closer to him. It is as though being with your best friend. A best friend whom you are thankful for not because of mere company or service but for the life itself imparted for you to live, to remember.

Attending on my first ever seminar/worship last February 6 at Village Square Harrison Plaza made me realize that life will only configure itself as dull once you instruct it in such a way. You need to live like you’ve never lived before for your life right now is not yours and will eventually have to be given back to Him, the being whom we owe ourselves to. My preassumed thought of how the seminar/worship will look like was the stereotype of all seminars/worships – boring and pure lecture – but I was wrong. We got there exactly 7pm and got confused with the place because I honestly thought there was a Club inside considering the lights and the loud rock bands playing but to my surprise, that was the place, that was the church for the seminar/worship which I thought will be boring. We instantly got lost in the music and just banged our heads with other students and faculty who are all very accommodating to new comers. That was truly an experience because it is not the “typical” seminar/worship. It is formed and designed to become interesting, to become enlightning, to become reachable to the younger generations. 🙂

If you want some cool beats but with an actual meaning and bond with people with aspirations in life, attend and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Because you only have One Life to Live.

My favorite quote from the Feb 6 seminar/worship:

“In the end, it’s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.”

Contemporary Moral Problems: An Undergraduate’s Point of View

Chapter 12: Annette Baier: The Need For More Than Justice

Here is what she stated: let me say quite clearly at this early point that there is little disagreement that justice is a social value of very great importance, and in justice an evil. Nor would those who have worked all theories of justice want to deny that other things matter besides justice. Rawls, for example, incorporates the value of freedom into his account of justice, so that denial of basic freedoms counts as injustice. Rawls, also leaves room for a wider theory of the right, of which the theory of justice is just a part. I do agree to her statement because there is more besides justice and it is not something we would expect to have every single day which is why we fight for it, it is something we seek therefore, we act on having it.

Chapter 11: John Rawls: A Theory of Justice

There are different perspectives in form of justice. Justice, as said from Wikipedia, is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, fairness and equity. A conception of justice is one of the key features of society. Theories of justice vary greatly, but there is evidence that everyday views of justice can be reconciled with patterned moral preferences. In the same site, there is also different types of justice such as Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism, where punishment is forward-looking. Justified by the ability to achieve future social benefits resulting in crime reduction, the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome. Retributive justice regulates proportionate response to crime proven by lawful evidence, so that punishment is justly imposed and considered as morally-correct and fully deserved. Retribution also means prosperity, prosperity results in crime prevention. The law of retaliation (lex talionis) is a military theory of retributive justice, which says that reciprocity should be equal to the wrong suffered; “life for life, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Distributive justice is directed at the proper allocation of things – wealth, power, reward, respect – between different people. A number of important questions surrounding justice have been fiercely debated over the course of western history: What is justice?

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 10: Ronald Dworkin: Taking Rights Seriously

It is revolutionary when we think of the rights of others because we always think about those rallies you see almost every day on the news and even on the streets and you always remember those people who took a stand for the life and happiness, and rights of others. As noble as it is, taking our rights seriously is very essential to us as a human being who deserves to achieve happiness. But what is a right? Let me clear its definition. Based from Wikipedia, Rights are legal or moral entitlements or permissions. Rights are of vital importance in theories of justice and deontological ethics. Many contemporary notions of rights are universalist and egalitarian, with equal rights granted to all people. For instance, the rights of a father to be respected by his son did not indicate a duty upon the father to return that respect, and the divine right of kings to hold absolute power over their subjects did not leave room for many rights to be granted to the subjects themselves. Conversely, modern conceptions of rights often emphasize liberty as among the most important of rights, though conceptions of liberty frequently differ. The specific enumeration of rights accorded to people has historically differed greatly across space and time, and in many cases, the view of rights held by one group can come into sharp and bitter conflict with the view of rights held by another group. At present the question of who has what rights is normally addressed by the constitutions of the respective nations (in the case of legal rights) or a particular philosophical theory (in the case of natural rights).

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 9: Joel Feinberg: The Nature and Value of Rights

We all know what duty is but if you still don’t, here is the definition of duty from our good friend Wikipedia: Duty (from “due,” that which is owing, O. Fr. deu, did, past participle of devoir; Lat. debere, debitum; cf. “debt”) is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something. The moral commitment is the sort that results in action, and it is not a matter of passive feeling or mere recognition. When someone recognizes a duty, that person commits himself/herself to the cause involved without considering the self-interested courses of actions that may have been relevant previously. This is not to suggest that living a life of duty precludes one from the best sort of life, but duty does involve some sacrifice of immediate self-interest. As mentioned, it is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something which means it is intertwined and directly connected to our own morals. There can never be a duty if we don’t directly connect it to what we believe in. Like mentioned in our BUSLAW class, when you owe something to someone, you need to give it back to him in any way possible because it is the right thing to do or else you will be facing some serious cases that you wouldn’t want to deal with in the first place for your future and possibly, for your future family that will carry the burden you made for them and we don’t want that right? We would never want that.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 8: Aristotle: Happiness and Virtue

Being a truly happy person, based on Aristotle’s theory, is becoming a man that lives his true purpose in life with good actions. It is somewhat similar to placing a word “good” in a man’s function in life. It is trying to look for one’s purpose without regrets. It is hard enough but excluding the bad and practicing the good will lead one man to happiness which is opposed to what we believe in nowadays that once we embrace pleasure, whether in wealth or in health, we embrace happiness. Aristotle made it clear that money or wealth itself is not the means for happiness because it is just physical means for something else which can be abused by nature. Virtue and happiness were also identified by some as one and in harmony. Relating it to virtue, happiness is found when something has been done for it. Similar to a man that is good and did something good which is why he is now known to be good. As for pleasure, happiness does exist but still becoming consistent to the idea that it exists not in physical concept but within one’s soul. That once the human soul found contentment through virtuous actions that triggers nature pleasant, then happiness will be achieved in life. If I were to consider my own personal point of view of happiness, I believe it is a set of mind. Everyone can be happy and contented in whatever they do even for those who commit sins because we all have different mind sets which are why we see things differently and seeing things differently means experiencing things differently as well.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 7: Immanuel Kant: The Categorical imperative

Of course, we are human beings who are known to have good will as a personal conviction. Here’s a part of the chapter that explained it quite well. It is impossible to conceive anything at all in the world, or even out of it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except a good will. Intelligence, wit, judgment, and any other talents of the mind we may care to name, or courage resolution, and constancy of purposes, as qualities of temperament, are without doubt good and desirable in many respects; but they can also be extremely bad and hurtful when the will is not good which for this reason has the term “character” applied to its peculiar quality. I know acting for someone and desiring good to them is not bad but expecting something to get back from doing such thing is something intolerable. It is selfish to expect something in return just for doing something good to someone else which I think should have been the focus of the whole chapter. I also found confusion with the idea of people trying to become someone they are not by providing food and shelter to others just having in the back of their minds that more will be given back to them by the great Being that provided us life. It is selfish because you expect something in return but Kant also explained a side where in it is meant to be selfish because if it is not, then you would not achieve happiness through good will.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 6: James Rachels: The Debate over Utilitarianism

As I was saying before, if you guys didn’t remember my story, let me just repeat it here to exemplify my explanation of utilitarianism. My cute little tale was my friend is courting this girl and with the strength of what he’s feeling, it is quite obvious that he will do everything and the girl knows about it so what she did is that she abused my friend’s emotions and manipulated my good and dead in love friend to buy her expensive stuff but my friend gave in to her every whim. Because he’s so in love at first it was okay for me and for my other friends because when guys give gifts, it really means they like you and they want to see you happy but the thing is, it went on to six months and no, she didn’t like him or at least let him drive her home. I still did not think she was using him or anything but when a friend of mine told me that the girl my friend is courting is already committed for three whole years then I get really mad at her so then I was shocked and went to his house that moment just to tell him to slap the girl because of what she did to him. After that incident, the same friend that knew about her relationship told us that she had a lot of suitors and still let them court her even when she’ s in a relationship because she is fond of getting gifts for it. So the concept of utility would mean gaining benefit from others. A lot of people object to this idea – so am I – but some still believes it is a way to achieve happiness.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 5: John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism

Utility is such a broad word but once it is utilitarianism, all it exudes is power over another man. I’ve never experienced such or at least I didn’t know about it yet but I did have a friend that had an encounter with another person that applied such to him which he did not realize before until I explained it to him. So my friend is courting this girl and I with what he’s feeling, he will do everything and the girl knows about it so what she did is that she manipulated my good and dead in love friend to buy her expensive stuff – gold digger! – but my friend gave in to her every demand. Of course at first it was okay for me and for my other friends because when guys give gifts, it really means they like you and they want to see you happy but the thing is, it went on to six months and no, she didn’t like her or at least let him drive her home. I still did not think she was using him or anything but when a friend of mine told me that the girl my friend is courting is already committed for three whole years, wow! Then I was shocked and went to his house that moment just to tell him to slap the girl because of what she did to him. After that incident, the same friend that knew about her relationship told us that she had a lot of suitors and still let them court her even when she’ s in a relationship because she is fond of getting gifts for it.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 4: Mary Midgley: Trying Out One’s New Sword

Trying out one’s new sword did not make sense to me because of another similar sentence that might mean differently. In the latter part, I came to realize that this is a subchapter dedicated to a whole study on Japanese culture particularly tsujigiri which is literally trying out a new sword to another man’s body. Of course I was surprised that such morbid practice had been a part of a country’s culture or belief because a part of tsujigiri is that once the man whom the new sword will be tried to by the samurai gets physically and literally chopped in half from the shoulders to the other side, then he is a humiliation for his family. Now that is new! There are a lot of things we can do to aid us with the isolation of cultures form our culture like reading about from an encyclopedia, surfing it through the internet which, as we all know, the greatest possible library there is made by man, and we can always go to the place and see, respect, and practice the culture ourselves. I have never been to a place wherein loads of people try out something new because here in the Philippines, tribal practices are only available in the smallest and most hidden part of the country that may even be never known to any man’s existence. We could not condemn oppression and insolence if we thought that our condemnations were just a trivial local quirk of our own culture. We could still less do it if we tried to stop judging altogether.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 3: Friedrich Nietzsche: Master-and-Slave-Morality

I did not really thought that there is such types of morality – slave and master morality – because one, I don’t get it and two, it is something I have never heard of before. The first thing I thought of when I read the title of this subchapter is how can this be explained because it is obvious enough to know what slave and master means but as a morality, now that is really something you don’t hear every day. Anyway, as I read through the chapter, I realized something, that it is the obvious meaning or slave and master intertwined with the definition of morality. It is a way of thinking back then there has to be a slave and a master and that both cannot meet because of their difference in worlds. I only saw this in movies because I was lucky enough to be born way past the era of Spanish and Japanese reign here in the Philippines – but am I really lucky to have missed that? – which makes me thankful because I scanned through my junior high school history book and it made me realize that most Filipinos are slaves or those deprived by the goods they are supposed to have particularly education. Only minority of Filipinos are coined as elites which are people who are rich enough or those who are wealthy enough to buy almost every possible service possible and as for the majority of Filipinos, some became slaves, some became deprived of land, and some even died.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 2: John Arthur: Religion, Morality, and Conscience

When Donita Rose came to our class to discuss about her triumph as a VJ considering her confusions with religion and life beliefs, she said she does not believe in religion – and I agree. Why should we limit ourselves? Hey, I am not saying you should start going to different churches of different religions but what I am saying is that you should first think and analyze if you really do believe that there is someone out there that is so powerful that he can literally take our lives in just one blink, now, once you realize you do, then you have faith. I know it sounds almost as though I am advocating that you guys shouldn’t have a religion but that is not what I am trying to put out. I am trying to make you realize that religion means nothing if you don’t believe in God; that religion is nothing if you don’t want to talk to him; that religion is nothing if you don’t even heard His name before; that religion is nothing if you don’t accredit your life to Him because at one point or the other, you will realize that you can’t just have a religion without knowing someone who is the strength, someone who can teach us how to live and someone who can be with us anytime, anywhere listening to our every word. Along with realization will be analysis of your morality because we all have different morality, different belief because of different upbringing.

Check out the whole content.

Chapter 1: James Rachels: Egoism and Moral Scepticism

Egoism’s concept was well explained by James Rachel considering he included some opposing ideas to back up his explanations. Although both concepts are well described, I still had confusions between the two but I won’t elaborate on them considering that there is certain number of pages to follow.
We all here about ego, of course you did, everyone is familiar with the term especially girls. Why? Because we all know we have a strong ego and we all know that the only one that beats that is a man’s ego. We hear the word “ego” often but how come we can’t really define it? How come on way or another, we still lack the explanation to define it to people who never heard of it. The answer would be similar to why it’s so hard to define life, love or other things intangible, is that it cannot be seen by anyone but it is a characteristic that we contain. Even though we try hard to keep our true selves to not exude egoism which means considering oneself first before others and defending your side which means it is really likely to become a unilateral attribute rather than bilateral which means both sides approve or talked or are involved in a specific situation. I know it is hard but can we at least try for the sake of others and for the sake of those who are very close to us because we will have the tendency to apply skepticism to them without realizing we do and may even become a standard of living for us.

Check out the whole content.


I  present to you… “POPCORN” – A social networking site which I deployed using drupal 5 that has all the WEBDEVT’s specified features including for the Bonus (Google Map and uploading of pictures).  Feel free to register and experience POPCORN 🙂

My Pre-Final EBIZ Playground

Well as y’all know, my old playground crashed (or at least the wordpress folder alone and no, I have no idea why) SO… I made a squicky clean account and installed a new wordpress and here it is: My Pre-Finals Playground.

My iGoogle version. 🙂

I Bet You’ll Now Be Getting Real

Getting Real: Chapter 16


We reached the end of the book and what can I say… I learned:

  1. That in developing ANYTHING, in this case, software or a Web application, you have to set goals, attainable goals
  2. That before you develop, you need to keep the records straight like “What should I include?”, “What will this thing do?”, “Do I need to add more?”, and “What should I develop?”.
  3. That you need to make something of value and not just construct something that does not serve any purpose to anyone.
  4. That you need to take into consideration that long talks should happen between the developer and the client because communication is the key.
  5. That you making your end-product and launching it for free is not a bad thing because it allows users to have a feel of what it does and eventually, buy the whole package and have little complain towards it
  6. That there are loads of new ways to launch your product so read and be aware of those great opportunities
  7. Lastly, you have to keep it REAL because if you don’t, you’ll end up with an over-scoped product that is not even the product you are supposed to be creating.

Ciao! 🙂

Modern Age Post-Launch Actions

Getting Real: Chapter 15

There are misconceptions on how to handle a fully developed and ready-for-implementation applications and this chapter in Getting Real by 37signals enumerated ways to both promote the finished product and encourage people to try it in this whole Web 2.0 concept in technology.

Hope you guys learn and apply these soon with your projects because if you don’t, you’ll regret how big of an opportunity you missed because the media for us, people’s communication can reach more range that you expect, and that is power of reach and communication right there.

Go on. Promote by continuously blogging about your end-product and assure that you have something that is prepared enough to be launched because you can never settle for “beta” if you can have something “better”. 🙂

Ciao! 🙂

Nudging Down The Wall

Getting Real: Chapter 14

A friend of mine who is currently studying fashion and arts called me up earlier and asked me out for a coffee. Whille both his friends and my friends were talking, he suddenly remembered that he has this project in one of his courses where in they have to present three of their own designs. Of course as a good child as I am (*clears throat*), I insisted in helping him out so I just babbled — trying to look like I know what I’m saying. I don’t even make sense because I was just trying to explain this cool astronaut suit I saw online which has ABSOLUTELY no connection with fashion whatsoever but he said, “AMAZING!”. Yeah, he said that and I was literally stunned because I didn’t know if he’s trying to make fun of me or what. Then he said, “Don’t worry, I can picture what you’re saying” — so weird.

The moral of that story? People have different ways of picturing things. We understand things differently which makes it exciting — yes but also more inclined to not getting what the other person is really saying. I may read this book about vampires and realize that the lead must be handsome because of all the pretty victims he already drained of blood and some random guy might think otherwise, that the vampire just use powers to lure his victims to him. We all see things uniquely. Some may take things literally, some may want people to think way outside the box. It is how it is which is why there should always be communication, DIRECT communication.

During the development phase of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), we learned that this is more likely to happen, the difficulty of understanding what the client truly wants and what the developer thinks the client wants which is why direct communication, meaning nudging the thick wall between the client and the developer, is already revealed to be critical in any project. Both developer and the client should converse with one another in order for them to comprehend what the other is saying and hopefully, be satisfied with the end-product because client satisfaction with the end-product is the most important thing.

Ciao! 🙂

My IS-EBIZ Playground

Here’s what I have so far as to my exercises in our subject, IS-EBIZ:

This site contains all my exercises and at the same time, it is my Customized CSS Exercise.


If you want to check out my midterm for IS-EBIZ, here’s the link

Here’s my own WORDPRESS with shopping cart exercise 🙂


Modern Launching Technique

Getting Real: Chapter 13

Now I understand why “blogging” deserves all the buzz.

Advertising is expensive. And evaluating the effectiveness of various types of advertising can wind up being even more expensive than the advertising itself. When you don’t have the time or money to go the traditional advertising route, consider the promote-via-blog route instead.

Start off by creating a blog that not only touts your product but offers helpful advice, tips, tricks, links, etc. Our Signal vs. Noise blog gets thousands of unique readers a week thanks to the helpful, informative, and interesting bits and anecdotes we post on a daily basis.

I prefer to focus on this particular promotional technique to help people truly understand why so many people blog nowadays because honestly, I used to be one of those people who didn’t care less about what a “blog” is — shame on me!

Better late than never. 😉

Ciao! 🙂

Free Is Good

Getting Real: Chapter 12

Once the development phase is done and your product (software, webapp, etc) is ready for launch, you have to consider a lot of things but here’s the catch, all you actually need to think about is how can the market appreciate the fruit of your labor.

This chapter suggested you to do what they did with their web applications but the one tip that caught my eye and my interest which I’m sure you all are familiar is FREEBIES. No, I’m not talking about those free toothbrush taped with your toothpaste boxes, I’m talking about giving away your product. But not all of it.

Your market should be able to test it first to get a buy in. They might abuse this free opportunity but I swear, once they exceeded the “freedom limit” of your product, they’ll purchase it without any second thoughts because your product gained their trust already.

Let them have a free taste and eventually, they’ll want the whole thing.

Ciao! 🙂

Is It?

Getting Real: Chapter 11

“Is it really smart to take a shortcut when customers are forced to take the long road?”

No It’s not, that is why developers and designers are being paid in the first place — to make something that will make our lives easier and us lazier. It’s the reality of life. We want everything to be easy, accessible, almost unchallengeable because once we have that, we have time for everything else — time is money.

Ciao! 🙂

When a Programmer is Happy…

Getting Real: Chapter 10

It was all about the development process. How to improve a programmer’s life and make them stop coding too much. This part struck me the most from Optimize for Happiness:

In summary, your team needs to work with tools they love. We’ve talked here in terms of programming languages, but the concept holds true for applications, platforms, and anything else. Choose the fuse that gets people excited. You’ll generate excitement and motivation and a better product as a result.

There is not much to explain really. Codes states everything. The scope, the level of happiness of the developer (figure that out), and the limitation of the project. It may not stand up and poke you whenever you force it to do something it won’t but it will break your project into pieces, again, leaving you with just an empty and strained hand.

Ciao! 🙂

The CORE Concept

Getting Real: Chapter 9

No, I’m not talkin’ about workouts here so if you’re expecting secrets for tigher abs and behind, go sit in your couch and turn your TV on, I bet there are loads of infomercials ready for your credit card right there. 🙂

I’m talkin’ about thinking of the CORE requirements first of the project to be developed before considering those fancy extras that most often than not, makes our pretty lives dead hard. The chapter 9 of Getting Real revolved around the idea of making the development phase all about the interface and drawing those CORE functions or the main purpose of the project prior adding other features. This might be pretty obviousbut I do know people who still commit the same old mistakes and still, not getting paid for it.

So what can you do to stop adding those colorful toppings on the project? Simple. You stop being a perfectionist because in our approach to try and get paid, it shows and sometimes, it doesn’t work with the project, so take a chill pill and focus on the purpose of the project first not those cute animations or blinking effects — well not yet.

Ciao! 🙂

The Smaller The Team, The BETTER

Getting Real: Chapter8

We know that two heads are better than one but a lot of heads will just make it unproductive. That might be the reason behind 3-4 members for thesis because once we have a large group, we tend to lose focus, lose momentum in doing and actually finishing projects.

It’s not about the number of people you have to get for your team to be awarded with an ice cream cone or something but it is about how productive they are, how smart they think of solutions for a simple problem, and how many things they do know so when you lose one person, the job will still be finished. It is more of getting people who are substitutes, substitutes to other team member’s ability.

Having someone who can do what others do well in is always the way to go. 🙂

Ciao! 🙂

Top Five Reasons Why…

Getting Real: Chapter 7

Top Five Reasons Why I Don’t Agree On “Meetings Are Toxic”

  1. Meetings happen for a reason, either someone screwed up or someone is ABOUT to screw up
  2. Meetings DO NOT take much preparation unlike what the author stated that is why Casual or Informal Meetings came about — along with those expensive Starbucks coffee and those cheap and nasty cafeteria food.
  3. Breaking your work day into small, incoherent pieces DO NOT disrupt the natural work flow instead, it bullets what needs to be done. It reminds us that we have a job and we get paid for it. Hello! We need a constant reminder of that. 🙂
  4. Meetings can waste the time of one BUT it speeds up the process for everyone by allowing an open conversation about the current development of the project for suggestions, corrections, demands, and requests. It also cuts the cost by preventing CONSTANT mistakes that might happen if meetings are not properly done. Alone time is good but too much alone time is similar to a boy left with his Legos — creating too many possible structures then realizing it doesn’t make sense.
  5. Meetings, not trying to be a party pooper, does help with or without a clear agenda because it allows exchange of ideas, information, processes, and even techniques. Preparing meeting agendas DOES NOT always serve its purpose.

It’s just my opinion and from the way I saw and experienced it. You guys might think otherwise but we all have our own VOICE right? So all you can do now is not attack me brutally with all my opposed point of view, rather, sit down and take it like a baby — oh don’t cry on me now.

Ciao! 😀

Paralyis Through Analysis

Getting Real: Chapter 6

“Paralysis through analysis” is a phrase I stumbled on the 6th chapter of Getting Real in which I think is very familiar. No, not the phrase but the concept of it. We all encountered this one way or the other.

While we were told to join the Imagine Cup, I was hesitant, why? because I know, and I know I’m sure, that there will be analysis involved. Why do I hate it so much? If I didn’t drink enough coffee today, I’ll answer that with “NONE OF YOUR  BUSINESS!” but don’t be afraid, I had a cup so I’ll gladly answer that with a reasonable one, “It takes the most time than other development phases” am I correct?

Now we have three (3) proposal papers we have to finish within a month, Yea you heard it right!

Am I upset about it? No.    Am I excited? No.

But I am concerned. Concerned because we might not finish it and if we did, we might not be alive.

Worried about my precious little life, what I do is that I engaged myself with what I call “rough work” which to my surprise, explained in the chapter, or at least the idea of it. Here’s what I do: I ask my groupmates what they think should the program be. I cross out what I think we cannot do with the contraints. I cross out what I think is not necessary. I cross out those hated extras. That’s it.

I have to admit, they don’t admire that in me but I admire that to myself because I got the guts to cross out everything I THINK is too much for us and nonsense so instead of an award winning kite, I get the simplest diamond-shaped kite out there — that can still fly. I get the juice not the whole orange.

What happened in the Imagine Cup? We took the proposal template and put there our strained ideas and fortunately, the monster came out with a ribbon — the Philippine Prairie Watch. What we did was a lot of thinking because of the theme that we had to consider but at the same time, we crossed out EVERYTHING that is unnecessary for the program to work. This made our lives much easier — in that process only.

Let me leave you guys with a quote I personally like from this chapter. Hope you learn something from it because I know I did.

Accept that decisions are temporary. Accept that mistakes will happen and realize it’s no big deal as long as you can correct them quickly. Execute, build momentum, and move on.

Ciao! 😀

Development Priorities are Deadly – part 2

Getting Real: Chapter 5

Obviously I’m defensive to the whole “Dump in more features” — and I’m not alone.

As empowering as it sounds, projects are made and supposed to be made simple. It always was. So why would we limit it to that? What if I want a promotion? A smile on my boss’ face? An award? A puppy? The answer lies within another broader and more complicated question — Why shouldn’t we? Limiting the project in the development phase is never a burden, actually, it’s a benefit on our part because hello, it cuts our work days in half! So why the sad face? Still want that cute puppy? Smile. Remember, breaking all the scope into pieces and picking only those the user wants is a good thing because once you finish it and of course, working properly — achieving the level of Six Sigma for the user — you can add as many features as you want. Think of it as ice cream. Once you ordered it, they’ll scoop and put in in a cup — but that doesn’t end there. They’ll now as you if you want to put toppings on it and of course, you’re tempted with all the bright colored treats so you say “Yes, I want those please.” Same goes with the development process of any web or software application, you have to strain it first to get the real deal, to identify what we REALLY have to deal with. Build that and you have a free ticket to Cobo! Yeah! Now, if ever you decide, under the summer heat and beautiful beach of Cobo, to add more things and create a massively capable application, you may do so. Gather you’re team again and conceptualize but never forget to say “No.”

Don’t be a pain, I didn’t tell you to say “No” to everything. Silly! Say No when you feel that all the brainstorming results to too much features which may seem inappropriate and a waste of code. Take control and now, limit the features because you can’t handle everything, you can’t entertain every pool of cool new ideas for features.

Ciao! 😀

Development Priorities are Deadly!

Getting Real: Chapter 4

Last term, I saw an old friend, who develop software as well, and invited him for some coffee hoping to get some interesting dirt about my old classmates, but to my surprise, he told me, “Riela, I’m planning to shift. My past project drained all the happiness out of me.” Of course I was shocked because he was one of those reliable students and I felt curious as well to what was that horrifying requirement that made him bend and break like that. So I asked him, “What’s wrong with your last project?” and he answered with a higher tone, “The scope. It’s tough to know when to stop.” Hey! wait a minute! that is not the first time I heard of that and I’m sure it’s definitely not your first time either but let’s forget about the annoyingly emotional friend of mine for a second (because he ended up complaining like crazy 😦 ) and consider the reason why I’m telling this story, the reason why we all have problems dealing with scope identification.

As human beings who seek perfection in once profession (cool! It rhymed! 🙂 ), even though it’s pretty clear that it’s nonexistent, we try to push the limits too much that we forget during the peek of brainstorming what we’re dealing with in the first place. Here’s a piece of advice which may not sound as good as freshly baked pizza, just “Stop and take a chill-pill” because if you don’t, you’ll end up dead and unhappy because of all your failed projects!

The Chapter 4 of Getting Real by the 37signals focused on explaining the importance of setting priorities and paying no mind to too much details in the beginning of the project because, in my point of view, once you want to eat a banana, you peal the skin off, and that’s when you get what you want without doing much but if you suddenly decided you want to see it sliced, diced, and mixed with melted chocolate, that’s when you do more work than usual and that work wasn’t really the point why you have a banana remember? You only want to eat a banana, the idea of beautifying it before eating all of it doesn’t make sense considering that a banana, as is, is what you want. All of those are just extras, or in a more technical term, features. These so-called “features” are the root of the problem in defining the scope of a project. We tend to get carried away with all the possible praises, favors, and promotions we might have once we create this unbelievable software with a bunch of great features without thinking, “Is that what they want?”

Things you should never forget:

  • You are human who is capable of making a mistake — and become completely insane with the details!
  • See the big picture FIRST then let the details pour in
  • Don’t be a prick! Listen to your subordinates because they’re smarter than you are. One of them will take your place soon. Deal with it.
  • Seek help when one morning, you find an extra limb in your lower body, that really means something BAD
  • Never ever ever ever forget that we are animals so we deserve to act as one sometimes — Expressing what we really feel like getting mad or accepting mistakes… cry, laugh, eat, have fun! We all deserve it 🙂

This chapter said it more clearly that I could. I guess my advice is that you read the book (Getting Real by 37signals) — for those specially dramatic, paranoid, and sad little perfectionists out there. Wake up and smell the reality. Think outside the box but never forget that there is a BOX and that BOX defines all the possibilities.

Ciao! and for developers or engineers… remain SANE! 😀

Isn’t Staying Lean an Easy Way Out?

Getting Real: Chapter 3

I’m confused, bewildered, and triggered by this chapter, why you might ask? because I picked up something from it.

This chapter covered numerous concepts of Staying Lean within the context of e-commerce. It may not be the perfect little words that we were expecting but form the way I see it, it made sense.

Here’s the five (5) concepts they briefly elaborated:

I won’t lie, unlike the first two chapters i which I mostly agreed, this one served my the cake of conflicting ideas. No, I won’t go brief in that because like them, I have to be RELIABLE enough to support my dieas so I’ll just keep you guys posted on what I think once research is done.

Ciao! 🙂

Are we keeping IT real?

“Listen to your code. It will offer suggestions. It will push back. It will tell you where the pitfalls reside. It will suggest new ways to do things. It will help you stick to a model of less software.”

~ 37signals

Whenever I have Internet access, I always surf and click random links just to get a look at both design and content. Yes, I do stumble upon sites that are paying much attention to catering the ever exploited “physical need” of both men and women but that is not my point (hahaha!). “Then what are you even talkin’ about?”, you might ask for which I’ll answer by saying, “It’s all about keeping it real.”

Now that I have your full attention through the art of confusing an audience and basically saying things that made no sense, I can now express my purpose which is *”drum roll please!* plugging this cute little black book entitled Getting Real by 37signals. Don’t worry, I’ll explain what I think of the content and intentions of the said book first before I come spreading the link of the site OR you can just scroll down and click the link. 🙂

There are three things, that I personally believe which were tackled briefly in the book, you have to consider if you are planning to venture into the IT industry through programming or developing software — Passion, Dedication, and Amount of coffee you have to drink in a day.

Passion. If you are sixteen or older, you know what this word means but for the sake of my need to talk and talk, in this case type and type, passion is an emotion, an intense feeling or desire towards something. Coding is not fun, well for me but growing number of people are learning to do it and the result of such is an unlimited amount of software, open source of course, available on line (yey!). I don’t expect 2 to 3 years of my life coding because I’m under the impression of programmers being with their beloved personal computers all day long which leads to some weird and unexplained cases naming their PCs, like “Salvadore” (That’s my baby, referring to my laptop, right there! 🙂 ) but that thought changed after reading the book, “How?”, because finally there is someone who I share my personal concepts with, the only difference is that he has a book and a company and a job. 37signals mentioned in the book that programming should NOT be painful but rather enjoyable for it will define the end product and the user WILL definitely notice that is why our codes have the ability to jump out and strangle us once we force it to do something, in accordance to the the three major constraints (Time, Budget, and Scope), it is not supposed to.

Dedication. Need an explanation? I suggest you open another tab then type the keyword “dedication” in BUT you wouldn’t do that because we, our generation, like convenience. So for your convenience, dedication really means the act of devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose (see how much I love you guys *wink wink*). Going back to my point, software development requires dedication because there is too much to do in front of the PC which often takes months to finish with so little coffee that it will come to the point where you won’t know the difference between night and day even Gossip Girl and Prison Break, that’s why dedication is a MUST and also remote controlled refrigerator for FAST food, get it? fast? fast food? oh forget it!

Amount of coffee you have to drink in a day. Hey! Even I’m too lazy to explain this.

So far, I love the book unless someone can challenge me and care to explain an opposed point of view.

Getting Real is not for everyone, I agree, but its purpose to state an idea of convenience for both developer and user is truly a leap because in school, we focus primarily on the user needs and convenience neglecting the fact that WE are not some robot that decode a piece of paper for scope and encodes everything with perfection. 37signals, their passion, dedication, and maybe the amount of coffee they drink everyday made it clear that convenience goes both ways.

Are you confused? curious? or even constipated? Getting Real by 37signals is available in this link 🙂

“Opening your head only means you are under a surgical operation.” ~ Riela Isabel Antonio

WEBDEVT – AS18 and AS19

amCharts and Poly9 with my Flickr Pictures for WEBDEVT

Here’s my poly9 map with MY flickr pics. 🙂

My Social Network amChart.

My 10-minute FB App and Credit Card validator for WEBDEVT

My SimplePie and Popurls – WEBDEVT EX4

Here’s my SimplePie and Popurls for WEBDEVT.

Extra Joss Website Proposal – WEBDEVT

My Wufoo “Buy a T-Shirt” Theme with Database (adding orders)

Check it here. 🙂

What is the Standard?

My review to a book written by Greg Bahnsen entitled “By This Standard” in compliance to my missed midterm exam and quiz in ITETHIC. 🙂


Let’s try to be realistic and consider the fact that all of us follow a certain standard of living. We prefer to have and follow our own preference or the basic norm we are used to in whatever we do like in choosing our clothes to wear, food to eat, place to live in, and even people to be with. This is because in our life, we choose to follow a certain benchmark on which we become reliant to with regards to our decision making and direction taking. This benchmark can be influenced by a lot of the existing surrounding factors in our environment and one of those factors is our belief in the word of God written in the Bible – as Christians. Bible is said to be the oldest book in our history, written by men that lived hundreds of years ago in belief to spread the good news. Having the Bible to explain to us how one is best known to live, it became an obvious point of the Bible to set the moral standards that guided men through the ages. A lot of people believed, trusted, and followed these norms, thus, making it the basis of their individual judgment. But are these the right standards to follow on how to decide whether a certain act is right or wrong?

What I think

The book “By This Standard” by Greg Bahnsen tackled the issue in ancient Greece in the Roman City where Caesar ruled and was said to be the god who sets the rules to be followed so that Bahnsen can elaborate on providing explanations to what is the true standard. As explained by Bahnsen, Caesar was questioned with a lot of moral issues like about him being the deity. In some passages of the Bible, it was told that John portrayed a beast where the rule of God was desired to be replaced by the rule of man. The issue brought up by the passage was then answered by the medieval church where the promoted the two yardsticks of ethics coming from the revealed scriptures and man’s nature for reasoning on how to explain the happenings in nature. With plenty of concerns being stirred already, “men came up with one standard yardstick to measure the standard practice of morality, declared from sola scriptura and tota scriptura (only scripture and all the scripture), to be the Bible”. From that time, the Bible became the normal reference of our lives, which was the same reason why we our encouraged to keep, follow and cultivate God’s commandments.

Even though the Bible became the established reference of the people on assessing matters concerning our lives, they often misunderstood that it is just a reference and does not dictate us on what we should do. The entire Bible provides different sets of norms we have to follow, from the first verse of Genesis up to the last verse of Revelations, God is described to be perfect making the standards which He set for us must be put to practice. In addition to that, none of these verses ever told something negative on life or to anything existing in this planet.  It was also said that He has this immeasurable love for us humans, that He gave his only son to redeem us from sin. With this love, He of course expects us to follow all his orders for us to be live a life with love for others. This is the reason why the Bible is said to be the standard yardstick of ethics, because it sets the guidelines on how we have to live our life and that is in accordance to the word of God.

All the standards set by the Bible is useless unless it is put to practice. We have to abide on these laws, as how we abide with the laws of man, but how do we really tell if we are obeying God’s standard the right way. Do we need to be like the Pharisees with short tenor of obedience just as what Jesus revealed in His Sermon on the mount? Or more than what they do, just like what God wants us to be. The answer is pretty obvious; God wants us to be obedient in a way that all our life, we would obey every word He commanded. This obedient is not limited to physical activities, because even if you might be active on helping others, but secretly asked for someone to be hurt, then you still not doing what you are asked for. We also sometimes adjust these standards in a way that it would suit our lifestyle and would not intend to need any sacrifice. Though what we do is good for the others, still this kind of obedience is not pleasing to God’s eyes. Because true obedience means sacrificing, doing what is written in the commandment and not adjusting it and editing what is written so it won’t require any extra effort on our side when obeying it. Doing it with a fully devoted heart would really make a difference, for the reason ‘when it comes to the obeying the Lord, it Is not simply the thought that counts, but the love you felt when you did it.

We all know that somehow, politics and ethics can never go as how we want it to be. If you would write something about politics, you have to set aside your ethical values because there will always be a conflict between these two highly regarded topics. But that was before, before when Christians believe that the Gospel of the Lord is a unique and can never get along with other subjects. Now we can say that Christians open their minds in a matter that they can relate other areas such as science, arts, economics, politics and everything else to ethics. This became a bridge in the gap between man’s political and ethical life. “Christians believed that Christ is the Messiah, the Lord and the Savior or soler (Greek). It can be found in the passage in Act 5:31 and 1 John 4:14 which states ‘We have held that the Father has sent the Son to be Savior of the World’.”  Other passages in the Bible also provided other verses that would prove that early Christians really believed and claimed that Christ is the one and only Savior.

Yes, Christ is the Savior, and that is something that all Christians believe – no doubt. However, how could this statement help Christian Bible-believers answer questions concerning his will on political ethics? The answer to that would be difficult to explain clearly. With all the books published to answer all this issues, is there any of them that precisely answered the question. The answer is, none. Because even if Christians opened their minds to political matters, there is still no concrete evidence of using the Gospels in answering issues raised in that manner. There is a lot of approach that responded to this concern. One would be the social gospel of Modernism, which challenged the biblical teachings and weaken the fundamental religious studies of the church. Another one is the individualistic gospel of Fundamentalism, which implies that we should live the way the church told us to because in time, Jesus would return to save us all from this miserable world. This approach also caused short-sightedness in Christians in terms of their faith. Another style would be the dichotomistic gospel of Romanism and Lutheranism. Though Romanism and Lutheranism oppose each other, they both boil down to the same idea of being neutral on politics and the scriptures cannot do anything about it. The second to the last approach is the unsure gospel of neo-orthodoxy, which so far is the most uncertain because it doesn’t proposes man to repent with their sin or be converted in order to be saved and doesn’t give clear answers to social concerns. The last would be the comprehensive gospel of the reformed theology. This opposes all the other approaches, for in this approach, the fullness and greatness of God’s grace. This approach firmly believes in sola scriptura and tota scriptura.

We’ve grasped the idea that we are following the whole Bible to be the standard morality. This is explained by the Old Testaments and again proved by the New Testament.

Disobedience of law deserves a punishment; this applies to both law of man and God’s Law. The only difference would be how this punishment should be executed. It may be in terms of money or physical violence in the law of man while in God’s law, God would be the one and only who has the right to decide. He created the law; therefore He would provide the necessary punishment. However, man needs to act for himself as well. The scripture shows that punishment for civil crimes are necessary, man cannot just stand and wait for someone to rob or kill him, and civil laws are enacted to assure the safety of individuals. But then again, these civil laws still have to be under the law of God or else there would be a chaos on judging whether the punishment given for a certain crime is just of not and without God’s law ruling over the civil law, man’s judgment may be off the standard or tolerable punishment that is due to the person who committed that crime.

Even after long discussion on whether to accept God’s law or the Bible as the standard for our ethical values, there’s still one issue not resolve and is really hard to resolve: the issue of using our ethical standards for our political concerns. There are a number of arguments presented on this. One is the directionless revelations wherein it opposes the new revelation in which Christ would return to us in time to redeem this world. Other would be the uniqueness of Covenant Israel, where they said that those who didn’t experience such covenant would not understand such scripture. Another would be the Israel’s heightened purity, which states that commandments sometimes would predict the final judgment but won’t mean that it is what would really happen. Last would be the multiple moral standards, which simply states that God has two moral standards, one is that of the nature and conscience and the other would be the Bible.

To Conclude

Man can never be contented, it’s our nature. We always intend to look for something to argue or to solve. Just like the issue of having the Bible as our standard when it comes to ethical concerns. Some Christians would question authority of these scriptures if they still are applicable today. One source of that doubt is the issue regarding the Old Testament and New Testament. The Old Testament is said to be the one binding all Christians because of God’s Law, and this added up confusion to people saying that the New Testament is not the continuation or the fulfillment of what God has promised us in the Old Testament. However, the turmoil made by this issue was not enough to change the fact that the Bible with both the Old and New Testament, for Christian Bible-believers, was the standard for all moral actions in this world.

Greg Bahnsen, as tough it is to conflict with his ideas, made it a point to explain all the possible sides of this “standard”. He stated and put into the table the other aspects in why other people don’t consider the Bible as a standard or chooses otherwise. Presented with great knowledge and passion about the topic, Bahnsen still allowed us to deliberate on our own, select our own standard but with much given explanation to all possibilities. So I leave it to that, the Bible, as explained, can be or cannot be the standard of living because there are still no books available that can explain such influencing topic.

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